Friday, September 09, 2005

Man you're pushy....

When did supermarket line people get so pushy? Every time I go to the store I feel as if I’m pushed out of the way by the cashier starting the next order right away. Then the person behind me is moving forward to have that security feeling of being right next to the cashier and watching to make sure everything is being scanned correctly, but I am still putting my change in my wallet and putting my wallet into my purse, then grabbing the thousand bags they give you and leaving the store. (by thousands of bags, I mean the plastic ones with the handles that the cashiers have now felt the need to fill one bag with one item, leaving me 50 bags for 50 items that I now have to load in my car and then keep in my house for “bagged” lunches in the handy “bag” holder made by rubber maid that can not hold anymore bags because I now have too many from weekly shopping trips)(breath). I say there should be a 30 second to 1 minute grace period between customers to allow the previous customer to be able to get their things together, get wished a good day by the cashier then be on their way.

Sorry for the run on sentences…..


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