Friday, March 24, 2006

Please exit stage right....

Ok so it’s Friday and nothing is going on, and I really didn’t know what to write about until just now.

People need to write new jokes. These jokes I get on my emails are terrible or way to predictable. Then on the forwards they tell you to email to a zillion people of you will have a lifetime of bad luck. Or maybe a lifetime of bad jokes???

Here is an example:

There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest. Hesent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one ofthe puns would win.

Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.

I just shook my head.

On this topic, there are so many comedians out there and they are really starting to blend together. Men telling all jokes about women, women telling all jokes about men. The worst, is gay people telling all gay jokes. I’ll sum it up in one word. ANT. Can’t stand him. This is all he talks about. He prances around stage and talks all about homosexuality. Maybe because I am not gay I can’t relate and this could be why it isn’t funny. Ellen’s gay. She is funny.

I am not a homo-phob (I watch Will and Grace), nor am I against people choosing this life style (I suffered through the Rosie bad haircut era). I just don’t find a whole routine about one thing over and over again funny.

Please tell a bazillion of your closest friends or you will live a lifetime in a small room watching ANT routines……


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