Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Disaster strategy.

Why is it that when you are almost in an accident, there must be a staredown? Is it because I almost gave him a heart attack and he is telling me with his eyes that I almost did? Or is it because he is staring at me to tell me that "nice going, you stupid girl driver, almost hit me...now my insurance almost went up, and I'd have to get a new car, or you could have killed me, so watch where you are going next time"?

My stare was, "sorry you stupid driver for being in the way and don't you understand that I might just not have seen you, besides I thought you had a stop sign anyways, please just get out of the way now so I can move and stop staring at me".

Then you think about how he is going to go home tonight and call his buddies and tell them how there was this girl (figures cause girls can't drive, then gets a laugh from them) and she almost hit me. I mean she was like this close (uses index finger and thumb to show about an inch of space between him and her), and she was going like 100 miles and hour, and woah man, I almost died.

Then there is me who is telling me my side of the story which was I was at a stop sign and went because at the time I decided to go there wasn't anyone coming until I was almost acrossed and he was in my face. I really did think he had a stop sign, because every corner has a stop sign in Kenmore except (figures) the one I was on.

It was at that moment the staredown began...


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