Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Yesterday's lunch

I went to Target yesterday and I wondered something. Why do I apologize to perfect strangers? This woman was coming out of an aisle when I was walking down the main aisle, and she almost hit me. "Oh, I'm sorry", I say....what for? She almost ran me over. It would have been her fault.

Then I wondered something else when I went to check out. Where is the one minute grace period between customers during the check out? The girl rings me up, takes my money, gives me the change (in this order: receipt, bills, coins on top - so the coins fall all over the place), then starts ringing out the next guy immediately. He only has two things, so by the time I get everything situated back in my purse and grab my bags, he is already trying to pay with a credit card and I'm still standing in front of the credit card dispenser. Then I apologize for being in his way, when it was the cashiers fault for moving so damn quick.


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