Sigh of relief

The day is finally here. The day when I get to walk across the stage and get my diploma. A day in which I am able to be recognized for all of my accomplishments. Thank you to all who have supported me in this venture. Especially my loving and patient husband who has watched me go through many crazy nights.
Let me share with you what the last 4 years have entailed. Some bad, some good. All of which have happened while getting this degree, which makes tonight such an emotional night. Things that have made me who I am today.
My four year timeline:
January 2002 – I started at Villa as a Graphic Design major.
February 2002 – I started my career here at my current job as a marketing assistant.
April 2002 – my father committed suicide.
July 2002 – I got married.
August 2002 – was moved to the service department as a contract administrator/service assistant.
April 2002 – December 2003 – I settled my father’s affairs as the executor of his estate. Many ups and downs, fights with family members, Loss of my grandfather, etc.
May 2004 – Bought my first home.
June 2004 – Found out I was pregnant
December 2004 – Changed my major to Business Management for many reasons. One, I was pregnant and unsure of life’s direction (yes pregnancy heightens the unsurity) Two, I didn’t care for my director in the program and when she critiqued my work by saying “I don’t like that”, that was the last straw. She was later fired.
March 2005 – Had my son on March 4th.
March 2006 – Finished my last class and wrecked my car.
May 2006 - Graduation and earned the title Account Manager Coordinator
Needless to say it’s been a hell of a ride. I am looking forward to my next journey.
CONGRATUALTIONS!!! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU RACH! YOu have gone through hell and back these past four years....and you did it!
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