Friday, August 04, 2006

29 going on 40?

Why do I feel that way. I feel like I'm a 40 year old trapped in a 29 year old body. I listen to old music, hear old jokes, do old things, I need to live man.

So to all of my 29 year old peeps: remember me? I'm still 29....I need to live like I'm 29. I need to feel like I'm 29. I need to reach in and grab the kid in me and have some fun with my friends and my babe(s)!!! Today on my way back from lunch I was cranking "It take two to make a thing go right....." Ah that takes me back to the beach....why am I not on the beach....??????

I come here to work every single day and feel like I'm working with my grandparents or my parents. You know that personality that comes out when you go to grandma's? Or that I'm being talked to by my grandparents or know the tone, "OK sweetie, if you could please do 'this' (or whatever)" I need my 29 year old personality to come out like I'm hanging with my friends. Not that the people I work with aren't friends or friendly....just not usually on the same page as me with entertainment, family, or even careers......


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