Thursday, July 13, 2006

Nothing to write about....

Boring week. This work week is going soooo slow. I'd much rather be playing with the baby or going to the beach or both....

I still haven't figured out what to do about my neice. It is Jay's sister, so I am hoping that he will take the iniative. Why are we so quiet? Why are people so afraid to tell other people what they think or feel. I was able to tell off two eight year olds that cut me in line at the waterslide with no problem. No I wasn't mean, but why can I stand up to 8 year olds, and not people my own age? I'm not just talking about my sis in law. It's anyone. People I work with, friends or family. If it bugs me, say so...

So that's it from here. Hopefully something more exciting happens by the end of the week. (If it ever gets here...)


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