Monday, November 20, 2006

Try, Try again.

I called that bank today and the position that was available was not what I was looking for at this time. Maybe in a few years. It was a sales position where I'd have be able to work days and well into the evenings.

I bought the newpaper yesterday and found a few potential part timers. We'll see what happens.

Quinn is in a copy cat phase. Yesterday he tried to copy every single word I was saying.

Me: "Jay"
Him: "Day"
Jay: "What?"
Me: "Do you know where..." (was interrupted)
Him: "da, da, da, ere...."
Jay: "What?"
Me: "Do you know where (laughing) his bag is?"
Him: "da, da, da, bag"

He also fell asleep in the cart at Wegman's. I had to take him out and carry him because he was in one of those carts with the seats attached to it and he was hanging by the straps. Here I was on the biggest food shopping day (UGH, rude people) carrying my baby and trying to push a cart with the other hand. He woke up right when we got to the car and never did go back to sleep.


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