Thursday, January 11, 2007

bed, potty, and some other stuff.

Bed is here. It came today to grammy's house. She will be here tomorrow with it! (Yeah, so, grammy bought it, you wish you had a grammy like that!) I will post a pic of him on the big boy bed, and hopefully the batteries will be charged for the camera.

Potty training is poopy, literally. Mostly for me too, not him. The first problem: he was an after breakfast pooper until all of a sudden I'm home with him during the day and want to start potty training and I know I could stick him on the potty right after a big morning meal. But noooooo, now he is a surprise pooper. At any given time of the day when he feels it coming on. No warning either. Before you know it he hides by the front door and comes out and says "poopie". Guess were not going on the potty today. Oh but flushing the poopie is so much fun. Bye bye poopie. The second problem: Me sitting him on the potty when I want him to poop. Of course he doesn't have to poop and there is still no warning of when he has to pee, so we just sit there, and sit there, and play with all of the bathroom toys. Elmo sits on the big potty with the seat down! Doesn't help. I'm thinking of pull ups? Maybe? So I can just whip his pants down and the first sign of a squint or grunt face...we'll see...

If anyone can tell me why 22 months=hating to be changed, I'd really appreciate it. If you were a neighbor or even in the next town, you may think that I was killing him. I'm not, I'm just changing a diaper or his clothes. There is vicious body flalling and screaming and kicking (me) and crying. Oh and don't forget the running out of the room between each and every single article of clothing if I let go of him for one second. Sock, run, sock, run, diaper, run, pants, run, shirt, run..usually to his hiding spot of up on the couch where of course no one will find him and when I do find him there is a huge screech and burying of his face as if to hide better.

This stay at home mom stuff is a breeze!


At 8:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you would like some advice I will tell you what we did with was a lot of starting adn stopping with her...we started around 2 and she just was successful this septemeber so she was like almost 2 and 1/2. Your best bet is to not do the pull up thing ( at least that is my opinion) meg thought it was a diaper and by the time they feel themselves wet or poopy they have already gone? go figure! What worked best for us was to keep meg in just undies and shirts or just naked on the bottom...i now it sounds silly but it really woprked....there was nothing there to "catch" the bodily she realized it a lot faster. just a thought....we also did a sticker chart on the bathroom door....every time she went to sit on the toilet ( even if she did nothing) she got a sticker......( iused a piece of poster board and just made boxes like a calendar and let her put them on in a different box each day) eventaully we got to the point where she would only get one if she peed or pooped and literally in about a week of really sticking to it...she got it and now for the most part she is good. She is dry most every day ( maybe 1 or 2 accidents a month) she still wears a pull up to bed but that is fine with me! ok i rambled enough....just try to make a game of it and I am sure he will catch right on....we thought meg was ready at 22 - 24 months and we were wrong...she showed a bunch of signs that she was ( wanted to go in the bathroom, saying i have pee pee or poo poo) but she just was not totally ready. so we stopped for a few months and tada it was so easy!! she is even dry during naps which is awesome! om I have rambled enough. call me or email if you want more advice!


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