Thursday, January 18, 2007

Down all week

Not me the internet....thanks to some heavy static on my phone line that they keep telling me they have fixed. It was supposed to be fixed on Tuesday but thanks to the ice covering everything, they haven't done anything. I guess it isn't as bad tonight, seeing as I've been able to be online for more than a minute today.

How is the toddler bed working out you ask? Well he loves it because he can jump on and off of it and onto it and off of it, and all around on it. BUT he hates it because he actually has to sleep in this new thing that is so fun to jump on! Who would have thought that a 22 month old would be so clever in using excuses not to go to bed. He tells me things like, mama hug, where dada, watch tv (every other minute of the day he could care less about the thing), water, sleep on the floor, mama kiss...

He knows he can get out of it. It's been a wrestling match to keep him in it, but once he's out he stays in it all night.

I do have to say how cute he looks in it, all big boyish and stuff and it is really cute to hear him walk into my room every morning and wake me up!


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