Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Quinn has news...

We went to my brother and fiance's sonogram today. Quinn learned what his new cousin will be. This was our conversation on the way home.

Me: "Quinn, what is Uncle Jake having?"
Quinn: "Baby"
Me: "What kind of baby?"
Quinn: "Red"
Me: "Red?"
Quinn: "No"
Me: "So, what kind of baby?"
Quinn: "Baby boy!"

More about 2's

-Still no napping.
-He says "Hey ma"

Monday, March 19, 2007


My son is on strike. No nap he says and he hasn't taken one since Friday. He has been sleeping 13 hours a night to make up for it. I can't have that happen. It is during those times when I do homework, clean the house, make dinner for the nights I work, etc.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Renaming the classics...

Quinn has been working long and hard for new names for these classic kid songs. Let me run them by you, hey you'll never know if they'll catch on.

Old Name: Row, Row, Row Your Boat
New Name: Row Boat? (must sound like a question when you say this new title)

Old Name: Ring Around the Rosey
New Name: Rosey Pocket (See how clever? Who knew picking two words out of the song would make a great title)

Old Name: This Little Piggie...
New Name: Piggie Market (Again two words from the clever!)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Birthdays are over, so it is back to the regular boring everyday life...well not all that boring. I am chasing around a two year old.

Work is getting better. I think once they realize you are not completely brainless and possibly in for the long haul, they start to give you better accounts to call. I made $1300 today, which will up my fees about $700, which is desperatly needed to make my first bonus. We will definately need the money!

Hubby decided to quit smoking. He is on his 48th hour and doing great. Without any help either. No gum, no patches...just cold turkey. I'm happy he's doing it. Why with all the talk about baby number 2 and all (oops did I just give it away?) It is just talk for now but I told him I'm not interested in pushing a stroller and his oxygen tank at the same time. Maybe that gave him a little push. He is only 32 and has many years ahead of him so I agree that it is time for him to stop.

School: Well...I just finished accounting, but haven't gotten my grades back yet. I am assuming I did all right. She didn't teach much, but I did good on the tests and stuff. Now I'm taking Business writing which is more like a refresher course of high school English. Remember to double space and indent and APA and blah, blah, blah....I thought it was more about the construction of business letter, contract, legal documents...what have you. Not grading us on how well we write and did we spell check. So far every single class has been like that. I am expecting to learn new things, but it just seems to be a refresher of my associate or high school level classes. Is this normal? My leadership class was the worst because all the guy talked about was himself. What did I learn new there???

I keep meaning to write more, but when I do it just seems to be a big catch up. I'll try.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

My baby is 2 today!

Can you believe it? Two whole years have gone by so fast. He is an amazing little boy and is constantly learning new things. He is funny and animated, clumsy and athletic, a good singer (twinkle, twinkle and row, row, row your boat), he knows his abc's and can count to ten (and twenty with a few missing) and is polite and caring. He gives the best hugs and us a run for our money.

I'll never give it up...

Happy Birthday Baby boy!