I saw this woman yesterday that I know, that I haven’t seen in a while. She says to me, “Wow (slight pause) you look great.” Thank you for the compliment, but it was the way she said it that made her sound surprised instead of happy for me. She looked at me like she couldn’t believe I had one nose or something.
My thought on this postpartum compliment:
It would be surprising if I looked good after having a 2000 lb elephant ripped out of my abdomen a year ago.
I did, however, give birth to a 9 lb (human) baby last year, and I don’t find it surprising that I look normal. What ever postpartum normal looks like.
Then driving down the I 190 I was a bit more observant than normal and couldn’t resist picking on all the filth Buffalo has to offer sometimes. I (more often than not) can’t help but wonder what people must think when they visit here when they see this stuff on the major highways. Not everywhere (surrounding towns) is like that and of course the most highly populated roads look worse.
Run down factories
Woman running down the street in their pajamas
People piling garbage and junk in their front or back yards
Run down housing
Graffiti on nice new housing
Very slow promises on the waterfront