This is what the sky looked like this morning on my way to work. I had to grab some pics of it when I got here. I thought it looked pretty cool. Do you know what happens when things are out of the ordinary with the weather? This is what I hear on the radio this morning...
"Oh, a red sky.....Warning the world is coming to an end" - um, this will not happen only in Buffalo..
"Red sky morning, sailors warning..." - um, not to many sailors in Buffalo. Recreational yes, and only in the summer, but I think this saying was made back when people actually sailed for a living - on the ocean, catching fish, maybe with a patch on one eye....who knows.
Same thing when the snow hit two weeks ago...."power is out, trees are falling, death toll up to 3 now....THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END, OMG, QUICK LET'S SEEK SHELTER..." It was a rough couple weeks, that we are still trying to get through, and I'm not making light of the situation. But come on, again, the world will not end just in Buffalo.
There is something else that has been bugging me all week. Tuesday was the last class of this series, and our group had to present our interpretation of the American Dream. Our group puts a reenactment together and each person is a characters with a different dream. The conclusion, that all people have a different dream and the entire scope of the American Dream is personal.
After we were done, there was time for comments. This girl raised her hand at the same time as someone else. That person went first, then the teacher said her piece, and then over to that girl. "Did you have something you want to add?" "Well no, well, yes, um, nice job..very good presentation, you really touched on a lot of things." That's what has been bothering me. I know she was going to say something else, but she didn't say it. Why didn't she say what she really wanted to say?
Mom's birthday tomorrow. I made her a cake, but she made herself a cheesecake. Going to her house tonight to celebrate.