She's somebody's grandma
On a previous post, I was objecting to the fact that every time I go to the supermarket, I am always averaging about 50 bags during each trip. It was until just today that I realized that this whole time I could have been saving them because I saw this little old lady at the meat market who collects them. Not just plastic bags, but paper bags as well and she carts them around in one of those old people pull carts. I wish I would have known they would go to good use and I wouldn’t have thrown them away.
Yes she was this typical 75 year old polish woman. Pulling around her bags, and wearing, since it is a little chilly outside, the famous old lady silk scarf on her head. I never understood why they wear those on their heads. Silk is not warm. And at what age do they decide to start doing that. I hope I never decide to do that, but then again I’m not polish. Now that I think about it my grandma did it too, so it must not be a polish thing.
I also never understood the reason old people save stuff like that. What does she need all of those bags for anyways? Pooper scooper? nope no dog. Grocery shopping, nope I can’t imagine a little old lady needing that many groceries, but then again the store does put one thing in each bag. They have trouble parting with stuff they save too. Like something like that has any value.
So what will I collect when I’m old? I’m going to start my bottle cap collection right now….